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Legalon 利肝素140mg 60粒 水飛薊 (香港行貨)【煙酒過多 護肝之選】



返工應酬難免煙酒過多,加重肝臟負荷,來自德國的利肝素,由天然乳薊果萃取,成份天然,其專利MZ 80技術提高水飛薊素濃度,或有助排毒,抗疲勞及減低煙酒等有害物質對身體的損害,常備利肝素,即使晚晚應酬都可以無傷肝啦。 Legalon® contains silymarin extracted from milk thistle fruits, which contains the major active constituent silibinin. Legalon® possesses oxidative stress reducing properties and can effectively reduce liver enzyme levels. 德國馬博士大藥廠製造的利肝素用於治療肝臟疾病。 適用於: 中毒性肝損害, 慢性肝炎及肝硬化的支持治療, 藥物治療不能替代避免肝損害的因素例如酒精,如出現黃疸,請向醫生查詢。 本藥不適合作為急性中毒的治療 德國製造 MADE IN GERMANY The liver has several vital functions in the human body; it plays a major role in metabolism (sugar, proteins and fats), digestion (bile secretion) and in the detoxification of metabolic wastes. Any form of damage to the liver affects the membranes of the liver cells, hence, impairs functional capacity. Silymarin, the active substance of Legalon is of plant origin. It acts as a stabilizer of cell membranes and is hence capable of protecting the liver from noxious influences and of restoring or revitalizing liver cells which have previously been damaged. Its effects are reflected in improvement in general condition, lessening of digestive symptoms, and increase in appetite and body weight in patients whose general condition and nutritional state have been impaired by liver disease. It also ameliorates the signs of liver disease and normalizes laboratory tests of liver function.

Rincian Produk

利肝素 含有從奶薊草 中萃取的水飛薊素,而當中亦蘊含了水飛薊賓 ,具止炎及抗氧化功能 。 研究實証,利肝素 亦有助於改善肝功能指數 。(*需配合均衡飲食及適量運動)

利肝素®能針對肝臟問題主要的成因,發揮減低肝臟氧化壓力 (oxidative stress) 的作用

利肝素®於德國製造,並在香港衞生署註冊 ,監管嚴謹,能多方位促進肝臟健康 。




The liver has several vital functions in the human body; it plays a major role in metabolism (sugar, proteins and fats), digestion (bile secretion) and in the detoxification of metabolic wastes. Any form of damage to the liver affects the membranes of the liver cells, hence, impairs functional capacity. Silymarin, the active substance of Legalon is of plant origin. It acts as a stabilizer of cell membranes and is hence capable of protecting the liver from noxious influences and of restoring or revitalizing liver cells which have previously been damaged. Its effects are reflected in improvement in general condition, lessening of digestive symptoms, and increase in appetite and body weight in patients whose general condition and nutritional state have been impaired by liver disease. It also ameliorates the signs of liver disease and normalizes laboratory tests of liver function.

The hepatin manufactured by Dr. Matthew Pharmaceutical Factory is used to treat liver disease. Applicable to: supportive treatment for poisoning liver damage, chronic hepatitis and cirrhosis, drug treatment cannot replace factors that avoid liver damage, such as alcohol. If jaundice occurs, please check with your doctor. This medicine is not suitable as a treatment of acute poisoning

For adults and children ≥ 12 years old,
-Initial dose: 1 capsule 3 times per day (Daily intake: 420 mg)
-Maintenance dose: 1 capsule 2 times per day (Daily intake: 280 mg)

Store in cool dry place. Keep out of reach of children
The effectiveness and side effects of product may vary among individuals. Please read the package insert before use.



參考資料/ Reference
1. Legalon 140 Capsules Package Insert: Version M-Nr.229719.
2. Gillessen A, et al. Adv Ther. 2020; 37(4):1279–1301.
3. Albrecht M, et al. Z Klin Med. 1992;47:87-92.
4. Legalon 140 Capsules 140mg Registration. Hong Kong Department of Health. Available at: https://www.drugoffice.gov.hk/eps/drug/productDetail2/en/consumer/136876. Accessed March 2023.

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