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Eva Intima Lactic 乳酸啫喱 pH3.8 9支裝(香港行貨)【私密護理 迅速恢復及維持陰道正常酸性值】



☆ 當陰道pH值因陰道感染、長期服用抗生素或避孕藥等而受擾亂時,能幫助恢復陰道至正常酸性值。 ★ 適合月經期後使用 ☆ 適合於更年期使用 ☆Help to restore the vaginal pH to normal value when disruption such as bacterial or fungal vaginal infection, long-term use of antibiotics or contraceptives, hormonal changes deriving from the menstrual cycle occurs. ★ Suitable for use after post-menstrual. ☆ Suitable for use during menopause.

Product Details


eva intima LACTIC Gel pH 3.8 is designed to immediately restore the vaginal pH at its normal acidic value while it enhances the normal vaginal flora. It helps to reduce symptoms due to minor disturbances of vaginal flora such as hypersecretion, itching & burning sensation.

Features and Benefits:
☆Help to restore the vaginal pH to normal value when disruption such as bacterial or fungal vaginal infection, long-term use of antibiotics or contraceptives, hormonal changes deriving from the menstrual cycle occurs.
★ Suitable for use after post-menstrual.
☆ Suitable for use during menopause.

• Lactic acid: immediate restoration of the disrupted vaginal pH to its natural acidic value
• Glycogen: acts as a substrate for lactobacilli, enhancing the normal vaginal flora
• Chamomilla recutita and aloe extracts immediate reduce symptoms such as itching and burning sensation

Package and Storage:
Vaginal Gel: 9 pre-filled, single use applicator tubes per pack.
• Keep out of reach of children
• Store in a dry and cool place 15 - 25°C

Apply preferably at night before bedtime.
• With medical treatment: One vaginal gel per day for 7 days at the end of the medical treatment
• To maintain natural flora: One vaginal gel per week
• During menopause: One vaginal gel per 3 days
• After the menstrual period: One vaginal gel per day for 3 days at the end of the menstrual period

(1) Hold the applicator from the wide end. Point the narrow end of the applicator towards the ground and shake in order for the contents to move towards the nozzle. Keep holding the applicator with the nozzle pointed to the ground, twist and pull the safety cap off the nozzle to open the applicator.
(2) Insert the nozzle deep into the vagina, preferably while lying down, and press on the thick end of the applicator in order to deposit the entire quantity into the vagina. Keep pressing the applicator and remove it from the vagina. Any quantity which may leak from the vagina after its application can be easily removed by wiping it with a dry tissue paper.

• For adult use only. Consult your doctor first for any existing medical conditions
• After the application, a temporary burning sensation of the vagina may appear
• Each device is for single-use. Discard any leftover solution. Do not store and reuse
• In case of known hypersensitivity to any of the product's ingredients, do not use
• Discontinue the use of the product and consult your doctor if symptoms or adverse reaction persist
• It does not contain any spermicides and does not protect against unwanted pregnancy
• It must not be used immediately after childbirth
• Each applicator should be opened first before use


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