購物滿 HKD 300.00即享免運費優惠!(適用於 本地送貨、本地取貨 )

佐藤SATO Noarl One Tear-α eye drops 盈眸 [人造淚水] 獨立支裝眼藥水 15支裝 │適用於眼腈疲勞問題



★紓緩因乾燥季節、佩戴隱形眼鏡、使用電腦而產生的眼睛疲勞及乾眼症。 ☆可作為各類隱形眼鏡的潤滑劑,且絶無類固醇、防腐劑及色素,佩戴者無需脫去鏡片,可直接使用 ★獨立包裝、即棄型眼藥水,保障個人衛生。 ★Provides effective relief for eyestrain and dryness. Recommended for tired and dry eyes amongst those who work in offices. ☆Work as a lubricant and free from preservatives or colorant, can be instilled while wearing any kind of contact lenses. ★Contains no preservatives that adsorb to the lens, allowing these eye drops to be used while wearing any kind of contact lens, including water-free soft contact lenses, soft contact lenses, disposable contact lenses.

Maklumat produk

  • Provides effective relief for eyestrain and dryness. Recommended for tired and dry eyes amongst those who work in offices.
  • Work as a lubricant and free from preservatives or colorant, can be instilled while wearing any kind of contact lenses.
  • Contains no preservatives that adsorb to the lens, allowing these eye drops to be used while wearing any kind of contact lens, including water-free soft contact lenses, soft contact lenses, disposable contact lenses.

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